Left Click, Right Click, Double Click

The Editor supports mouse actions to perform and record Clicks on the Device screen.
Once you click, a unique anchor area is automatically defined and the action can be recorded.

Left mouse Clicks

To record a left mouse Click:

Make sure the Editor is in mode.

  1. Simply click on Device screen where you need. The action will be played automatically and recorded in Action List.

Right mouse Click

To record a right mouse Click:

Make sure the Editor is in mode.

  1. Simply perform a right mouse Click on Device screen where you need. The action will be played automatically and recorded in Action List.

Double Click

To record a Double Click:

Make sure the Editor is in mode.

  1. Simply perform a Double Click on Device screen where you need. The action will be played automatically and recorded in Action List.

Please notice

In case your website is dynamic, a selected anchor area must be fine-grained to reach a stability. Click can be performed as follows:

Make sure the Editor is in mode.

  1. Draw an anchor area around a stable element of the website
  2. Place a cursor where you want to click
  3. Perform a Click by pressing mouse buttons.