CAD Testing

Precision Testing for CAD Applications: Ensuring Engineering Excellence

CAD testing, or Computer-Aided Design testing, refers to the process of evaluating and verifying the functionality, performance, and reliability of software applications used for computer-aided design and drafting (CAD). CAD software is extensively used in various industries, including architecture, engineering, manufacturing, and construction, to create precise technical drawings, 2D and 3D models, and schematics.

CAD testing, both in general and in the context of automated testing, presents a unique set of challenges. In general, CAD testing demands precision and accuracy due to its critical role in industries like engineering and construction. Verifying complex 2D and 3D designs for accuracy and data integrity is essential but challenging. Ensuring compatibility with various file formats and standards, as well as handling extensive design data, adds to the complexity. Additionally, CAD usability and user-friendliness must be maintained across diverse user needs.

In automated CAD testing, these challenges are compounded. Designing and maintaining automated test scripts for CAD applications requires replicating intricate user interactions accurately. The continuous evolution of CAD software through updates and feature enhancements can disrupt existing automated scripts, demanding ongoing script maintenance. Managing the volume of test data and permutations for automated testing can be overwhelming, given the size and complexity of CAD files. Achieving comprehensive test coverage, especially for intricate 3D designs, poses a significant challenge. Overcoming these challenges necessitates robust test automation frameworks, a deep understanding of CAD software, and a commitment to precision and adaptability in the testing process.

Key Aspects

Functionality Testing

Ensuring that CAD software functions as intended, including drawing creation, editing, dimensioning, and annotation capabilities.

Stability and Reliability Testing

Testing for software stability, identifying and addressing crashes or errors, and ensuring reliable operation during critical design tasks.

Usability Testing

Assessing the user interface, tools, and workflows for user-friendliness and efficiency in design tasks.

Collaboration and Version Control

Evaluating features that facilitate collaboration among design teams, including version control and revision tracking.

Mobile and Cloud Testing

For CAD applications that offer mobile or cloud-based versions, testing their performance and functionality on different devices and platforms.

Compatibility Testing

Verifying that CAD software is compatible with various file formats, including industry-standard formats like DWG and DXF, to ensure seamless collaboration.

Integration Testing

Verifying the integration of CAD software with other design tools, databases, or product lifecycle management (PLM) systems.

Data Integrity and Accuracy

Ensuring that CAD software accurately represents design data and dimensions, avoiding errors that could lead to manufacturing or construction issues.

Localization and Globalization Testing

Ensuring that CAD software is adaptable to different languages, units of measurement, and industry standards across various regions.

CAD testing is vital to ensure that CAD software meets the stringent requirements of industries where precision, accuracy, and reliability are paramount. It helps design professionals work efficiently, produce high-quality designs, and avoid costly errors in engineering, architecture, manufacturing, and construction projects.

Use Case

Find out how CNC Keller GmbH optimises development processes and quality management with test automation and why was the only provider that could meet their requirements for their use case.

Please read the whole article in the magazine “sysbus”.


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