It is critical to know that Cypress does not support the handling of new browser tabs and windows out of the box, as stated on their permanent trade-offs page. However, as the framework has grown, there are now many workarounds that can be leveraged to fulfil these goals. In this article, we will take a deep dive into how to open new windows in Cypress.
Step 1
Create a new folder titled “Integration”, create two new files in the folder titled spec.js and spy-before-load.js. In your spec.js file, copy and paste the following code:
reference types="cypress" /> describe('window open', function () { it('opens a new window with page1', function () { // is called on click // thus we can create method stub after the cy.visit // but before cy.visit('/index.html') cy.window().then((win) => { cy.stub(win, 'open').as('windowOpen') }) cy.get('#open-window').click() cy.get('@windowOpen').should('be.calledWith', 'page1.html') }) })
spec.js stubs the method using cy.stub(). Because the application executes after the click, we create the method stub after cy.visit
In your spy-before-load.js file, copy and paste the following code:
<reference types="cypress" /> describe('application', function () { beforeEach(function () { // application prints "hello" to the console // during the page load, thus we need to create // our spy as soon as the window object is created but // before the page loads cy.visit('/index.html', { onBeforeLoad (win) { cy.spy(win.console, 'log').as('console.log') }, }) }) it('prints hello on load', function () { cy.get('@console.log').should('be.calledWith', 'hello') }) })
spy-before-load.js starts spying on console.log during cy.visit to confirm that console.log(‘hello’) is called when the page loads.
Step 2
Using cy.spy() for a event, write a test to ensure that while executing the action in your program, the event is called.
cy.visit('http://localhost:3000', { onBeforeLoad(win) { cy.stub(win, 'open') } }) // Do the action in your app like cy.get('.open-window-btn').click() cy.window().its('open').should('be.called'
Step 3
Use cy.visit() in a new test to navigate to the URL already opened in the new window, then fill in the fields and click the buttons as you would in a Cypress test.