Ancora Imparo - I'm still learning (Michelangelo at 87)

How to Fix the “Missing a Temporary Folder” Error in WordPress

When you get Missing a Temporary Folder error in WordPress, it can prevent you from uploading files and images as well as updating plugins and themes. In this article, you will find how you can solve this issue fast and get your WordPress up and running without much hassle. All you have to do is to follow the steps below.

Step 1: Login to Your CPanel

Step 2: Open the File Manager

In the file manager, navigate to the public.html folder where you will find the wp-config.php file.

Step 3: Right-Click the wp-config.php file to Select Edit

Add the code below in the file and click Save Changes

 define('WP_TEMP_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-content/temp/'); 

By doing this, you have defined the temporary folder. It’s now time to create it.

Step 4: Create a Temp Folder inside wp-content

To do this, open the wp-content directory inside the file manager.

Navigate to the +Folder link in the cPanel menu.

You will get a popup asking you to provide the name for the new folder. Name it temp and then click on Create New Folder. Refresh the page to see the new folder.

That’s all! You can now carry out the action you wanted to perform when you got the Missing a Temporary Folder error.

About the Autor

Jamiu Idowu

Jamiu Idowu

Entrepreneur seeking to shape the world through IT and emerging technologies. Enjoys research and technical writing, and can serve as a bridge between technology and its users.

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