"Ancora Imparo" - I'm still learning (Michelangelo at 87)

QA Bite ::: Create a Test Plan in 10 Minutes

For those who need to implement tests from scratch there is a great idea how to start: A create a Test Plan in 10 minutes. This idea was written down by James Whittaker, a former Google Test Director [The 10 Minute Test Plan].

The idea is to first derive Attributes for the Application and its User Experience (Fast, Easy to use, Secure, Rich content). Then, we need to define the Components like Search bar, Filtering or Geolocation. An finally, we use verbs for the Capabilities of the user, e.g. Save to favorites, Make payments, Write and read reviews.

These Capabilities are the starting point for user stories and test cases.

This approach actually takes a little longer than just 10 minutes, but it delivers most of the functionality in minimal time.

Create Test Case


#1 Check response when the logged user clicks “Book”

Test steps:

  1. Go to the hotel page
  2. Click Book


  • Log in via test user ID
  • ID: test
  • Password: test123

Expected Result:

A user goes to the payment page

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About the Autor

Andreas Grau

Andreas Grau

Andreas is one of the founders of Testup. With background in Mathematical Finance, Computer Science and Engineering and many years of practical experience of business administration, he enables interdisciplinary solutions of hard practical problems.

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