"Ancora Imparo" - I'm still learning (Michelangelo at 87)

QA Bite ::: How To Get Your Users to test for You

User testing involves getting your users to test what you have developed. Although Manual or Automated software testing can help you find out whether or not your app functions properly, it cannot take the place of user testing. Through User testing, you can determine if your app really solves your users’ problems and it also provides an avenue for new product features to be suggested.

To perform User testing efficiently, here are 6 things you need to do:

  1. Send out emails requesting your current users or waiting list to participate in the test.
  2. Determine what questions you would like to ask your users during and after the test.
  3. Ensure that the testing process is short and simple.
  4. Take notes or audio/video recordings of all the feedback you receive from your users.
  5. Extract the most insightful information from users’ feedback to be shared with the Engineering team.
  6. Create a form of reward system for users who participated in the test.

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About the Autor

Andreas Grau

Andreas Grau

Andreas is one of the founders of Testup. With background in Mathematical Finance, Computer Science and Engineering and many years of practical experience of business administration, he enables interdisciplinary solutions of hard practical problems.

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