WP Testup Test Automation

Blessing and curse of WordPress plugin updates

Plugins open a wide range of possibilities for websites. You can integrate a lot of useful features and make your website perfect for your purposes. A lot of website owner chose WordPress just because of that flexibility. Almost everything is possible with just a few plugins.

But almost everybody who uses plugins experienced that the website crashed after updating the plugins. Suddenly the layout was broken or even worse: the website was down!

Testup provides an easy and very helpful solution for that problem: Just run a test if your website is still the same after updating the website. If the test runs well, you can update the plugins with a good feeling!


Do you worry that it is too difficult to setup the test case? Don’t!

Testup works intuitive and visually and no coding skills are needed!


WooCommerce is the perfect shop system, as long as it is running

About 30% of the webshops work with WooCommerce. It is a mighty shopsystem which allows everybody to create a shop easily and sell their products. The shop owner are no computer freaks. The shop is just a medium to sell their products. Therefore they just have three requirements: It must be easy to run, shop administration should take no time and it must be reliable.

WooCommerce shops work with automated workflows. The common shop owner has no idea how it works and he doesn’t have to understand the technical details. But there is a lot going on behind the scenes. WooCommerce is known to have one of the most reliable systems and they make a great job in letting it run easily and reliable.

Problems might start when the website uses plugins which are not designed for the purpose of WooCommerce. In general they work perfectly well. You install a plugin and you check if the website is still working. If it is, you let it run an use it for your purposes. So far so good.

There are two things to consider in that context: 


Did you check all functionalities of your website after installing a new plugin?


Did you check all functionalities of your website after updating a plugin?

All functionalities mean not only the look of the main site or the look of the product page. It means the design and the workflows of your entire site! And do you remember, what we said about WooCommerce? Yes, it is mighty!

But no worries, Testup has the solution for you and exactly that problem!