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A Guide to Automated Testing and Testup for Absolute Beginners

Have you never heard about automated testing? If no, you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to discuss automated testing and a specific automated testing tool called Testup that we have built.

Let’s begin!

Introduction to Automated Testing

Software testing is the process of verifying whether the actual results of the software meet expected results. Software testing divides into two groups named manual testing and automated testing. As the name suggests, manual testing executes test cases by a human tester without using any automation while automated testing executes test cases using automation tools. 

There are some limitations of manual testing compared to automated testing, and some of them are listed below. 

  1. It consumes a high amount of time to complete a test.
  2. It consumes a lot of human resources.
  3. Possibility of less accurate results as it may involve human error.

Automated testing is introduced to overcome those limitations, and it has the following advantages.

  1. It consumes less amount of time to complete a test.
  2. It consumes less amount of human resources.
  3. Accuracy of test results is high.

Use of Automated Testing Tools during Development and Maintenance of Software

Automated testing tools can be used during the development of software to ensure that the development progressed in the right direction. Errors may occur during the maintenance of software. Hence, software testing is required, and the automation tools such as Testup can be used for testing during the maintenance.

What is Testup

Testup is a visible test automation tool to test web applications, and it was developed and maintained by Thetaris GmbH, a group of software professionals. Further, you do not need to have any coding skills as Testup is a no-code automation testing tool. 

The following list shows some of the advantages of Testup.

  1. Easy set-up of the test environment as Testup is a very user friendly testing tool.
  2. Ability to test complex test scenarios with ease.
  3. Ability to test without writing any code.
  4. Requires less amount of time and resources to learn Testup. 

Hence, Testup is an ideal automated testing tool for a user who has little or no experience with automated testing.

Registration Process

Before creating a project, you need to Register with Testup. The registration process is simple and straightforward, as shown below.

Visit this URL to go to the Testup website. Next, click on the Get started free button, and it will redirect you to the registration page.

Then, enter your email address and click on the Register button to create a new free account.

Creating a New Project

After completing the registration process, click on the Go to App button and it will redirect you to a new browser window where you can create a new project.

Next, create a new project by clicking the Create project link. To rename the project, click on the edit icon and rename.

Creating a New Test

Click on the Create Test link to create a new test and fill the parameters such as URL, etc. as per the requirement. To rename the project, click on the edit icon and rename.

For the demonstration purpose, we have used the iPhone 6/7/8 dimensions. Then click the Edit button, and it will redirect you to the Testup editor.

Recording a Test

Testup Editor

Before recording a test, you need to understand the Testup editor. There are three parts of the editor, as shown below.

  1. The left side of the editor – It contains the browser window of the website you want to test.
  2. The right side of the editor – It consists of the list of checks and inputs.
  3. The top of the editor – It is the control centre which contains all the executable commands.

Check with an Anchor Area

Selecting an anchor area helps the editor to verify that the website is correctly loaded and ready to perform the next action.

In this example, we are going to check three anchor areas, as shown below.

Check if the brand name “Testup Merchandize” is visible

Select the anchor area of the brand name (Testup Merchandize) with the mouse, as shown in the above screenshot. Next, click on the Play It button to execute the action.

Check if hamburger menu is visible

Select the anchor area of the hamburger menu with the mouse, as shown in the above screenshot. Next, click on the Play It button to execute the action.

Check if the welcome image is visible

Select the anchor area of the welcome image with the mouse, as shown in the above screenshot. Next, click on the Play It button to execute the action.


Select the anchor area of the search icon with the mouse, as shown in the above screenshot. Next, click into the search icon. Then, click the Play It button to execute the action, and you’ll see a search input field appear above the search icon.

Text Input for a Search Function

Select the anchor area of the search input with the mouse, as shown in the above screenshot and click into the search input. Next, click on the Play It button to execute the action. 

Then click on the press key link.

A search input field will appear. Next, type the text “Beanie” and click on the PLAYING NEXT button. 

Then, press the enter key on the control centre to start the search, and the search result will display, as shown in the below screenshot.


You can see the image of the first item in full by scrolling. To perform this action, first, select the anchor area “Search Results: Beanie” with the mouse and then swipe on the browser screen as shown in the above screenshot. Next, click on the Play It button to execute the action. It will verify that the image of the first item is visible in full.

Next, we are going to check whether the Beanie with the logo is visible with the price. Select the anchor area of the item, as shown in the below screenshot and click on the Play It button to execute the action. It will verify that the Beanie with logo is visible with the price.


Exit the editor by pressing the Done button. Click on the Run button to run the test. If the test passes, Congratulations! Otherwise, try to fix the test by editing it. Visit our documentation if you need help.

About the Autor



Shanika is a software engineer by profession. Being a graduate in Information Technology, she has gained expertise in Web development and Software testing. She is keen to share her knowledge and considers writing as the best medium to do so. She is passionate about everything she does, but apart from her busy schedule she always finds time to travel and enjoy nature. You can reach her at

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