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Videotutorial 09: Variables and Data

This is the nineth tutorial of this series explaining how to use variables and data in So if you want to learn how to use variables and data in your test, is is ready for you:

  • Using the clipboard
  • Seting runtime variables
  • Working with test variables

Also read our post about how to integrate tests into Gitlab CI/CD pipelines

You’ll find more information about useful PHP commands in the using the editor advances section of our documentation. 

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Test an iOS App

Testing your own Android or iOS app requires to create a test with a mobile device and adding a reference to the uploaded file.

Upload file

  1. Get your <API Key> from Profile Page (Details)
  2. Upload a .zip or .tar.gz file containing your compressed .app bundle.

    Your .app bundle must represent a simulator build of your app. After running in iOS Simulator via Xcode, look in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<project-name>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/.

    Alternatively, you may run xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator (if you use .xcodeproj) or xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace Sample.xcworkspace/ -scheme <your-scheme> -configuration Debug (if you use .xcworkspace) in your project directory, then zip the .app bundle in build/Debug-iphonesimulator/.

  3. Upload ZIP using the following curl commands
curl "<API_KEY>&platform=ios" -F ""

This curl command returns a JSON with <publicKey>.

You can update an existing APK using this <publicKey> with:

curl "<publicKey>?ApiKey=<API_KEY>&platform=ios" -F ""

Create and link test

  1. Create a new Test
  2. Select Mobile System
  3. Select the iOS device you need
  4. Insert AppetizeAppPublicKey = <publicKey>

Create your Test

Click “Start Editing” on right of the selected mobile device