Create Test Case

After setting up new project you can see the empty testcase overview. As there is no test case recorded yet, the page is blank.

  1. Click .
  2. Enter Name of testcase.
    This will help you to keep the overview if you have several testcases in one project.
  3. Select Test.
  4. Select the device: Browser, Desktop or Mobile.
  5. Choose Browser to test in Webbrowser.
  6. Enter the Url of the website you like to test.
  7. Leave Chrome by default or choose Chrome (Selenium)/Firefox.
  8. Click to start recording the test.


  1. Select Folder if you want to keep your tests organised in a folder.
  2. Select Successor Test and choose a Predecessor if you want to extend your test.
    Possible Predecessors are the other test cases in this project and they are shown in the selection menu. You can either keep per default the settings of your Predecessor or you can change them by checking the Override box.
  3. Choose the Dimensions of the device on which you’d like to test your website.
    If you don’t find a suitable device, set Width and Height according to your individual needs.

Please notice

If you like to learn basic actions in the Editor before creating your first real test case, leave all setting by default. This will take you to Playground.