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The Relationship between User Acceptance Tests (UAT) and Customer Satisfaction

Is the customer satisfied? This question is answered with the UAT – the last important step in the development of software. It cannot be automated. And skipping it is not a good idea.

Because this test has a great influence on the satisfaction of the customer. That’s why you have to pay special attention to how it’s performed. Because it’s about much more than the functionality of the application.

If you want to have customers who praise your business and recommend it to others, then read this article to the end. Here we explain how the UAT affects customer satisfaction and how you can use that to your advantage.

The Basics: What Are UATs All About?

Applications are usually tested by developers. This is because there are many types of tests that require a lot of expertise. But with UATs, an end user tests the application. Without any prior knowledge.

For example, if you’ve developed customer relationship management software, it needs to be tested by a salesperson on the UAT. Or if you have developed a video game, it should be tested by a gamer.

At the end of the test, you must be able to answer the following: Does the end user find his way around? Or is he confused and unable to navigate the application without help? The test scenario must always be as realistic as possible.

Step by Step: This Is How a UAT Must Proceed

A successful UAT is planned and has a clear process.

Step 1: Set the test objectives.

At the beginning, you need to define what a successful test would look like. You must also define the circumstances under which the test is considered a failure.

It would be best if you define this together with the customer. That way you have common expectations for the test.

Step 2: Planning

For a UAT, you need to prepare many things. For example, you need to find end users and sign a non-disclosure agreement with them if necessary. Also, decide whether the test will take place online (e.g. Zoom) or in an office.

Also, be careful when scheduling time. Unexpected errors can occur that prolong the whole process. (If you’ve been to UATs before, you probably know that the demonstration effect exists in computer applications, too).

Step 3: Implementation

There must be a lot of concentration during the execution. Avoid distractions as much as possible. And most importantly, record everything that happens during testing, because otherwise you’ll lose all the feedback.

Step 4: Reporting

Create a report by evaluating the results of the UAT. Afterwards, you need to determine the next steps in consultation with the customer.

What Influences the Satisfaction of the Customer

Before we talk about the relationship between UATs and customer satisfaction, it is important to clearly define how customer satisfaction is created in the first place.

IT service providers often have a simple answer to this question: “A good end product makes the customer happy,” they often say. But that is not the complete answer. Because you’re not just offering the customer an end product, but a process.

Was this process painful and exhausting? Then the customer will be less satisfied with your service despite a good end product.

In addition, applications must be produced in collaboration with the customer. To make this collaboration work well, pay attention to the following:


Ask the customer many questions. This shows that you want to understand them. Customers always want to feel that their needs are being addressed.

Also remember to give regular updates. If there is longer radio silence, your customer will feel neglected.


Something is not going as planned? Don’t try to cover it up. Instead, talk openly about challenges and share how you plan to solve your problems. This builds trust.

But when unexpected deadlines have to be postponed, customers feel disappointed.


Not all customers know what they really want. And a client’s wishes can change in the middle of a project. You have to react to this professionally and be as adaptable as possible.

However, there are also limits. Not all changes of direction are realistic when developing software. But in such cases, you can’t just say “no”, you have to offer the customer several options.

Why UATs Are Critical to Customer Satisfaction

One of the strongest factors influencing customer satisfaction is the UAT process. These are the reasons:

Customers Actively Participate in the Development Process

In UAT, customers are highly involved because they voice their opinions and concerns. Because of this involvement, there is a stronger bond with the product. Those who participate in cooking appreciate the food more.

The Perception of Quality Increases

With a smooth UAT, the customer’s confidence in the product increases. It gives a feeling of security before the launch. However, there can also be an opposite effect if the test does not go well.

However, there are usually no perfect UATs in which no suggestions for improvement can be collected.

In fact, it even has a better impact on the customer’s satisfaction if they find their own suggestions for improvement. Because that way you can implement their ideas. And in the end, they have a product that they know works exactly as they want it to.

Here’s How You Conduct UATs for Maximum Customer Satisfaction

Now you already know how a UAT affects your customers’ satisfaction. But there are other aspects you need to consider to ensure that the UAT maximizes your customers’ satisfaction:

Ask Questions in the Right Way

During the UAT, you have to ask the customer a lot of questions. And these questions must be thoroughly prepared beforehand. But the way you ask these questions has a big impact on the customer’s perception.

  • Wrong: In your opinion, was this feature implemented well?
  • Right: You expressed at the beginning that [need] is important to you. That’s why we implemented [feature]. Does that meet your expectations?

This shows that your product is not a generic solution, but a customized application.

Therefore, do not use generic questions. Prepare an extremely individualized questionnaire!

Keep the Process Simple

UATs must not be too long. Because if the testers lose concentration, they can make human errors.

Likewise, the process must be simple. This way, all participants can follow attentively without anyone getting lost in thought.

Get the Customer Talking

A big problem with UATs is shy customers. They prefer to keep thoughts to themselves and are not comfortable voicing criticism.

You have to counteract this. Create a relaxed atmosphere and convey to the customer that criticism will not hurt feelings.

It also helps to provide multiple feedback channels. For example, some prefer to provide certain concerns in writing afterwards.

And then?

The UAT provides a lot of insights about your product. Now it’s up to the product owners and developers to translate this feedback into a better product. This means that the application will change at certain places. Now it is important to accompany the changes with tests. The best way to do this is with automated UATs that constantly monitor that the application is available to the user as it was intended. No change should breake the application. Then your product will be lifted to the next level with a lot of happy users!

We will be happy to help you with this. Contact us for an appointment!

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Automate Tests, Optimize Software

In modern software development, software engineers and chief technology officers (CTOs) face the challenge of delivering high-quality products in the shortest possible time and with limited resources. However, to ensure a software project works, a quality assurance team must manually work through checklists step by step, after each change. A slow, expensive and error-prone process. Test automation, on the other hand, can not only speed up the development process, but also reliably ensure the quality of the software. In the following, you’ll learn how.

7 Reasons for Auto­mated Tests

  • Faster defect detection: A large number of test cases – far more than would ever be possible through manual testing – are performed in a short time. As a result, potential errors are detected early and can be corrected before they develop into costly problems in production.
  • Time savings: Manual tests tie up the development team and require a lot of time and effort. Automated tests run around the clock without human intervention. The development team can thus focus on other critical tasks, resulting in accelerated time to market.
  • Repeatability and consistency: Automated tests deliver consistent results because they are always performed according to the same predefined steps. This ensures that the same test conditions are present each time and that potential errors are reproducible, which facilitates their elimination.
  • Scalability: As a project grows, automated testing can be easily adapted to meet increasing requirements. New features and modules can be quickly integrated and tested without having to redevelop the entire testing strategy.
  • Cost reduction: Early detection and correction of errors through automated tests helps to minimize the costs for subsequent error corrections in the production phase. In the long term, this leads to savings in overall software development spending.
  • Improved code quality: Automated tests encourage writing modular, reusable, and well-tested code. Developers must carefully consider how they design their tests, which has a positive impact on the overall quality of the code.
  • Confidence in changes: Regularly executed automated tests can provide confidence in changes. Developers and CTOs can be confident that new features or updates will not have unwanted side effects on existing functionality.

Common tests that can be automated

In order to take full advantage of test automation, it is important that the various types of automated tests are integrated into the development process from the very beginning. Common tests during software development include:

  • Unit tests, for testing individual code units,- Unit tests, for testing individual code units,
  • Integration tests, for testing the interaction between different code units,- Integration testing, for testing the interaction between different code units,
  • System tests, for testing the entire software,- System testing, for testing the entire software,
  • Regression tests to ensure that changes to the software do not cause new bugs,- Regression testing to ensure that changes to the software do not cause new bugs,
  • and user acceptance tests, in which the functionality of the application is checked from the point of view of the target group.- and user acceptance tests, in which the functionality of the application is checked from the point of view of the target group.


In summary, automated testing leads to faster development, reduced errors, and overall higher code quality, which in turn leads to increased efficiency and competitiveness.

Our automated user acceptance tests alone have saved customers an impressive 40% in testing costs and cut the time-to-market for new features by half. Our test managers analyze customer needs and work with customers to develop tailored test strategies and plans. In this way, we ensure that testing activities meet individual requirements.

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Best Practices for Effective User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a critical step in the software development process that ensures the developed software meets end-user requirements and satisfies business needs. It is the final testing process before the software is released and can make the difference between a successful launch and a bug-prone product. This blog post will share best practices for effective user acceptance testing to ensure your software meets user expectations and enables a smooth rollout.

1. Involvement of the Right Stakeholders

Involving the right stakeholders is key to a successful UAT. Identify the key users of the software and invite them into the UAT process early on. This means not only the end users, but also all relevant business users, product managers, and other key stakeholders. Ensure that stakeholders have the necessary time and resources available for the UAT and have clear expectations and goals for the testing process.

2. Define Clear Test Objectives and Test Plans

Before the UAT begins, it is important to establish clear test objectives and plans. These should include the features, scenarios, and use cases that need to be tested. It is important to define the criteria that must be met for the software to be considered “accepted”. The test plan should also outline the timeframe for the UAT, define the responsibilities of the stakeholders involved, and establish effective communication channels for providing feedback. Establishing these parameters in advance can ensure a smooth and efficient UAT process that ultimately results in a high-quality software product.

3. Use Realistic Test Data

When it comes to User Acceptance Testing (UAT), the use of realistic test data is critical. Realistic test data simulates the actual data the software will face in its intended use and ensures that the software is tested in a real-world environment. By using test data that closely resembles real-world scenarios, testers can dig deeper and accurately assess how the software will perform under various conditions. Realistic test data helps uncover potential problems and provides valuable insight into how the software behaves in real-world situations, ultimately leading to more effective strategies for its functionality.

Using realistic test data has several important advantages:

1. Real-time experience: Realistic test data allows testers to test the software in a real environment and simulate real usage conditions. This allows them to achieve realistic results and evaluate the software from the end-user perspective.

2. Identification of problems: When testers work with realistic test data, they can better detect potential problems and vulnerabilities in the software. It becomes clearer how the software reacts to different inputs and scenarios and whether it meets the requirements and expectations of the users.

3. Quality assurance: The use of realistic test data helps to ensure that the software is of high quality and reliable. Errors and error sources that may not be detected with simulated test data can be uncovered and corrected with realistic data.

4. Practical relevance: By working with realistic test data, testers gain valuable insights into how the software behaves in practice. They can better understand the functionalities of the software and accordingly respond precisely to the needs of the users.

5. Minimization of risks: When realistic test data is used, risks and uncertainties associated with software development can be minimized. A realistic picture of how the software works in different scenarios is provided, so that potential problems can be identified and rectified at an early stage.

To create realistic test data, testers should use the actual data that the software will later interact with. They can also use mock data that resembles real data but does not contain confidential or sensitive information. Test data should be as diverse as possible, covering different scenarios and conditions to ensure that the software works reliably in different situations.

4. Clear Communication and Training

Clear communication and training of stakeholders about the UAT process and their roles is critical to avoid misunderstandings. It is important that all stakeholders are well informed and have the opportunity to ask questions and receive support. This is especially true for those who may be less familiar with the testing process. By ensuring that all stakeholders can participate effectively in the UAT, the quality of the test is improved and the risk of misinterpretation is minimized.

5. Perform Systematic and Structured Tests

Perform UATs in a systematic and structured way, using clear test cases and scripts. This ensures a thorough evaluation of the system’s functionality. Documenting all test results and issues encountered during testing is essential for an efficient traceability process and facilitates effective troubleshooting. By keeping a comprehensive record, developers can easily identify areas that require improvement or further attention. In addition, this documentation serves as a valuable resource for future reference and helps optimize UAT processes for subsequent projects.

6. Perform Regression Tests

During the UAT phase, it is critical to be open to changes and corrections to the software. The UAT is the final testing process before the software is released, and it is not uncommon for improvements and adjustments to be made during this phase to ensure that the software meets user expectations.

User feedback during the UAT is invaluable. They bring a fresh perspective and real user experience that may have been overlooked during development. Based on their feedback, changes and fixes can be made to improve the usability and overall functionality of the software.

These changes may affect various aspects of the software, such as:

1. Error corrections: If errors or defects are discovered in the software during the UAT, they must be corrected immediately to ensure that the software functions properly.

2. User interface improvements: User feedback can help identify and fix problems in the user interface. An intuitive and user-friendly interface is critical to the success of a software.

3. New features: New requirements and features that are important to users may also be proposed during the UAT. In this case, the developers should be able to integrate these changes into the software to maximize the added value for the users.

However, it is important not to overlook the importance of regression testing after any change. When changes are made in the software, there is always a possibility that they may have unforeseen effects on other parts of the system. Regression testing is used to ensure that existing functionality has not been affected and that the software continues to function as intended.

By performing thorough regression testing, any potential issues or bugs caused by the latest changes can be identified and fixed immediately. This helps ensure the stability and integrity of the software and fixes any potential issues before the final release.

7. Automation of the UAT

User acceptance test (UAT) automation offers numerous benefits for streamlining and enhancing the testing process. Automating repetitive test cases and scenarios can save significant time while minimizing the risk of human error. For example, imagine a software application that requires extensive regression testing with multiple user inputs. UAT automation allows you to run these repetitive tests quickly and without excessive manual effort. This not only improves efficiency, but also allows testers to focus on more complex aspects of the software, ensuring greater accuracy in identifying critical issues or bugs. The scalability of automated UAT also allows organizations to effectively handle larger volumes of testing requests. Ultimately, by automating UAT, organizations can optimize resources, increase productivity and deliver reliable software solutions to their users.

8. Transparent Reporting

To ensure transparent reporting of user acceptance testing (UAT) progress and test results, it is important to keep all stakeholders informed of UAT status and share key findings and results with them. This can be achieved by regularly updating stakeholders on UAT progress, providing detailed reports on test execution and results, and holding meetings or presentations to discuss important observations or issues that arise during the testing phase. In addition, the use of collaboration tools or dashboards can facilitate real-time communication and insight into the UAT process for all stakeholders.

9. Learning from the UAT

After the UAT is completed, it is important for the team to learn from the process and make continuous improvements. In a post-mortem meeting, lessons learned and challenges should be discussed to identify areas for improvement in future UATs. This could include analyzing test coverage, refining test cases, improving communication between team members, or implementing more efficient testing tools or methods. By reflecting on past UATs and actively seeking opportunities for improvement, the team can ensure a smoother and more successful testing process in the future.


User Acceptance Testing is a crucial step in the software development process that ensures the quality and usability of the software. By involving the right stakeholders, setting clear test objectives and test plans, using realistic test data, and conducting UAT in a structured way, companies can ensure a smooth rollout of their software. Continuous improvement and learning from the UAT are crucial to continuously optimize testing processes and ensure high quality software.

Visit us at 👉 to find out more!

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From Trouble­shooting to Prevention

How You Can Use Test Automation to Minimize Potential Errors

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, the quality of a product is critical. Potential defects and flaws can not only lead to a loss of customer confidence, but also cause costly recalls and repairs.

But how can you make sure your products are as flawless as possible from the start?

This is where test automation comes into play. In this blog, we’ll look at that,

  • what test automation is,
  • How it takes troubleshooting in your organization to a new level
  • and contributes to the prevention of errors.

What Is Test Automation?

Think of test automation as the superhero of the software world. It’s the reliable sidekick that helps developers and testers fight bad guys like errors and bugs faster!

In traditional manual mode, testers are like master detectives, scrutinizing each test case with eagle eyes, looking for potential weaknesses. But it’s a real challenge, because they have to run the same tests over and over again. But don’t worry! This is where test automation comes into play!

How Can Test Automation Contribute to Troubleshooting?

Test automation is like a robotic assistant that takes care of all the repeatable and time-consuming tasks. Imagine you just press a button and this automated hero runs all the tests for you while you enjoy a cup of coffee or develop new ideas.

But that’s not all! This superhero is also known for delivering consistent results no matter how many times it runs the same test. No human fatigue or accidental errors – test automation always stays on track.

And the superpower of scalability? Oh, that’s just amazing! Whether you have just a few tests or hundreds of them, test automation is ready to rise to the challenge and help you work faster and more efficiently.

In short, test automation is the reliable companion that helps you test your software faster, more reliably and efficiently, and fix bugs that way:

1. The Challenge of Troubleshooting

Debugging is an indispensable part of the software development process. Traditionally, products are tested manually to identify and fix problems. However, this manual approach is time-consuming and often cannot cover all potential sources of errors. Bugs can be overlooked or discovered only after the product has been rolled out, resulting in expensive and frustrating rework.

2. Test Automation as a Solution

Test automation provides an efficient solution to improve defect resolution and accelerate defect discovery. By automating repeatable test cases, development teams and QA specialists can use their time and resources for more demanding tasks. The result is a faster development cycle and higher product quality.

3. Early Fault Detection

The use of test automation makes it possible to include tests in the early stages of product development. From planning to implementation, automated tests can be performed continuously to ensure that each development step meets the specified quality standards. In this way, potential errors can be detected and eliminated at an early stage, even before they develop into major problems.

4. Scalability and Reliability:

Manual testing often reaches its limits when it comes to scaling. Test automation provides the ability to run tests on a variety of platforms, devices, and environments to ensure that the product works properly in any situation. Test reliability is increased through automation, as human errors are minimized and test runs are precise and consistent.

5. Test Data Management

Test automation also requires careful management of test data. Proper handling of test data can simulate realistic scenarios and uncover potential weaknesses. As a product manager or CTO, you should ensure that your team selects and manages test data wisely to achieve meaningful results.


Introducing test automation into your development process is a critical step in moving from bug fixing to bug prevention. With early defect detection, scalability, and increased test reliability, you can ensure that your product meets the highest quality standards from the start. Invest in test automation to save time, resources and nerves, and ultimately deliver a product that will delight your customers.

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A Guide to Auto­mated Testing

Purpose and Advan­tages of the Different Types of Tests

Automated testing represents a procedure in which software tools and scripts are used to automate a testing process. While manual tests involve human input, automated tests automatically execute the test cases and evaluate the results based on predefined criteria.

In this guide we address the following points:

  • Why are different types of tests necessary?
  • The advantages of automated testing
  • Unit tests and their advantages
  • Integration tests and their advantages
  • Functional tests and their advantages
  • Performance tests and their advantages
  • Security tests and their advantages
  • Acceptance tests and their advantages
  • Conclusion

Why Are Different Types of Tests Necessary?

In order to obtain information about the performance, security and quality of a software, different types of tests are necessary. Each type of test focuses on different aspects of the software. Thus, they complement each other and provide a comprehensive result.

Furthermore, the different types of tests reveal different errors. Performing them during the development process enables early error detection and correction, even before the software is released. Later bug fixes can be reduced to a minimum or avoided altogether. This also applies to certain risks, which are detected and eliminated at an early stage by means of different types of tests.

However, the use of different types of tests not only benefits the product itself, but also the developers. Because by using different types of tests, they are able to optimise their established strategies and thus save important time in the development of the software. Furthermore, they have an impact on user satisfaction.

The combination of different test types allows for comprehensive test coverage and creates robust and high-quality software.

The Advantages of Automated Testing

Automated tests have several advantages over manual tests. One of these is efficiency, because automated tests perform complex tasks automatically and process large amounts of data. This not only saves time, but also resources.

In addition, automated tests can be repeated as often as desired without human intervention and scaled to perform a large number of test cases. Sources of error can thus be better identified and checked. Automated tests are also able to simulate error conditions and check the reaction of the tested software. Developers get an overview of weak points and unexpected behaviour.

At the same time, they deliver consistent results because the tests are executed with high precision. The probability of errors is significantly reduced, subjective interpretations are avoided.

After completion of an automated test, detailed reports are generated on the identified errors and test results. This facilitates the follow-up of problems and the cooperation between developers and testers.

Unit Tests and Their Advantages

The so-called unit tests are the most basic form of tests and focus on checking individual code units. They help to ensure the stability of the code, improve maintenance and minimise risks of regressions. Because they can be executed quickly, developers detect and fix errors early. The goal is to ensure correct functionality.

Unit tests offer several advantages:

  • early error detection
  • improved maintainability and extensibility
  • improved readability and understanding of the code

Unit tests are a fundamental type of test and therefore form the basis for other types of tests. They play an important role in ensuring the stability and quality of the code.

Integration Tests and their Advantages

Integration tests are primarily used to check the cooperation of several code units or modules. They test whether the integration of the individual components works smoothly and delivers the expected results. Errors in communication between modules are usually uncovered by this type of test. These include data inconsistencies, interface problems or faulty dependencies.

The test environment should be as close as possible to the actual conditions in order to ensure a realistic check of the integration. The probability of errors in the production environment is also reduced in this way.

The benefits of integration testing include:

  • early error detection
  • ensuring interoperability
  • better fault isolation
  • avoidance of regressions

Integration testing helps improve the overall quality, stability and reliability of an application.

Functional Tests and their Advantages

Functional tests aim to check the requirements of a software for its functionalities. This involves testing whether the desired functions are executed and the expected results are delivered. The tests simulate typical scenarios from the user’s point of view. Functional tests can be carried out on the user interface as well as on the backend level.

There are different types of functional tests:

  • Smoke tests are the first stage of testing and identify obvious errors or problems at an early stage.
  • Regression tests ensure that functions that have already been tested continue to work properly, even after changes have been made to the software.
  • End-to-end tests simulate the user flow and also check that different components or systems work together correctly.
  • Scenario-based tests simulate typical user scenarios. Here, specific actions and inputs are performed and the expected reactions are checked.
  • Data integrity tests check whether data is stored, processed and transmitted correctly. They check the consistency of the data to ensure data integrity.

Functional tests not only ensure the user-friendliness and quality of the software, but also support error detection. They are therefore an essential part of the overall test process and important for the development of a software.

Performance Tests and their Advantages

Performance tests aim to check the performance of a software application under certain conditions and to identify problems related to speed, resource consumption or response time. A performance test measures different aspects. These include, for example, response time, processing speed and load capacity.

The various types of performance tests include:

  • Load tests check the performance of an application under a defined load.
  • Stress tests simulate extreme load conditions that go beyond normal usage scenarios. The purpose is to determine the performance limits of an application.
  • Scaling tests check the application’s ability to handle a growing number of users or load. This ensures that the application is able to handle the additional load and still maintain adequate performance.
  • Throughput tests measure performance in terms of the number of transactions processed simultaneously.
  • Latency tests check that the application responds within the expected time and that response times are acceptable.

Performance tests are primarily suitable for identifying potential bottlenecks in advance. Developers are then able to make any necessary optimizations and improve the performance of the software. At the same time, they ensure that a growing number of users does not cause any performance degradation and that the user has a positive experience.

Performance testing ensures that an application meets performance and scalability requirements under real-world load conditions.

Safety Tests and their Advantages

Security tests are used to identify security vulnerabilities and potential threats in a software application. The goal of these tests is to verify the robustness of the application and maintain the integrity of the data.

These tests focus on various security factors. These include authentication, encryption, input validation, and vulnerability protection. They can be performed both at the application level and at the network level.

Safety tests come in different forms:

  • Vulnerability testing checks the application for known vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Vulnerability testing can be performed manually or using automated security analysis tools.
  • Code analysis tools check the source code of an application for potential security problems. These tools can look for insecure code patterns, missing input validation, or potential attack surfaces.
  • Network security tests verify the security of the network infrastructure on which the application is hosted.
  • Penetration testing attempts to penetrate the application and exploit security vulnerabilities. This can include various techniques such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery or denial of service.
  • Vulnerability testing involves checking the application for known vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Vulnerability testing can be done manually or using automated security analysis tools.
  • Code analysis tools check the source code of an application for potential security problems. These tools can look for insecure code patterns, missing input validation or potential attack surfaces.
  • Network security tests check the security of the network infrastructure on which the application is hosted.

Security testing is required to find vulnerabilities or security holes before they are used by attackers to penetrate systems. Developers improve the entire application with such tests. This includes measures such as data transmission, input validation, and authentication.

In addition, security tests facilitate compliance with security-relevant standards if the application processes personal or other sensitive data. Security testing is therefore an important step in ensuring the security of a software application.

Acceptance Tests and their Advantages

Acceptance tests are usually performed by the end users themselves or by testers acting on behalf of the users. They are therefore also known as user acceptance tests or customer acceptance tests. They help developers determine whether an application meets users’ needs and requirements. In addition, acceptance tests examine functionality, usability, and added value of the application for users.

Depending on the application and the user, acceptance testing comes in different forms:

  • Functional acceptance tests
  • Usability tests evaluate the usability and user experience of the application.
  • Performance acceptance tests verify the performance of the application.
  • Security acceptance tests check the application for possible security holes, vulnerabilities or attack surfaces.

Acceptance tests ensure that the software fulfills its purpose, especially with regard to the users. That is why the inclusion of users in the testing process is also necessary. In addition to the user perspective, inclusion brings another advantage: customers feel that they are taken seriously; the customer relationship is strengthened. They also help to identify errors that play a role for the user and hinder him in his work. Developers can fix problems and improve overall quality.

Acceptance testing is therefore an important step in the overall development process and enables software to meet user requirements.


The aforementioned test types enable comprehensive application development and are therefore of crucial importance for the future of a software.

However, each type of testing performs certain tasks and provides important information about the state of the software. Developers are able to use the different types of tests to improve the quality of the software and deliver a better experience to the user.

Automated testing is an important part of an efficient workflow and should be carefully implemented in every software project.

However, automated tests cannot cover all types of tests. Aspects such as user experience or exploratory testing still require reviews in manual form. Nevertheless, automated tests are a valuable complement to manual tests and are indispensable in software development to improve the overall process.

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Case Study: BOGNER

Wie das Modeunternehmen BOGNER die Qualität seines Onlineshops dauerhaft gewährleistet und das Kundenerlebnis optimiert

Die Willy BOGNER GmbH mit Sitz in München ist ein international erfolgreiches Lifestyle-Unternehmen und führender Anbieter von luxuriöser Sports Fashion. Das Unternehmen ist in über 50 Ländern mit den Marken BOGNER (Ready to Wear, Active Sports, Kids) und FIRE+ICE sowie Lizenzen vertreten und besteht seit 1932.

Auch BOGNER möchte die eigenen Produkte für seine Kund*innen weltweit rund um die Uhr zugänglich machen. Dieses Vorhaben setzt die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und ständige Funktionalität des Webshops voraus, weshalb viele Funktionen im Front-End durch User Acceptance Tests (UAT) kontinuierlich getestet werden müssen. Der umfangreiche Prozess erschöpft jedoch alle zeitlichen und personellen Kapazitäten im BOGNER Digitalteam, welches den Onlineshop verantwortet. Deshalb investiert das Unternehmen in Lösungen und Dienstleistungen, durch die der Testprozess automatisiert wird.

The Challenge

Manuelles Testverfahren: ein sehr zeitintensiver Prozess

About the company

Bogner is an internationally active fashion company and is one of the pioneers of luxury sportswear brands.

Number of Employees



Fashion Industry

Testup was used for

User acceptance tests within the framework of Testing as a Service


Shift resources away from manual testing towards further development of the webshop

Die Schnelllebigkeit der Modebranche birgt einige Herausforderungen für BOGNER, insbesondere im digitalen Bereich. Da sich immer mehr Kund*innen dazu entscheiden, Produkte online zu beziehen, möchte BOGNER stets ein erstklassiges digitales Einkaufserlebnis gewährleisten. Die kontinuierliche Bereitstellung eines benutzerfreundlichen und funktionsfähigen Onlineshops ist dem Unternehmen dabei besonders wichtig. Deshalb ist es ausschlaggebend, dass das Digitalteam bei BOGNER fortlaufend kontrolliert, ob im Front-End des Onlineshops alles wie geplant funktioniert und die Anforderungen der Kund*innen erfüllt werden. Hierfür setzt BOGNER User Acceptance Tests (UATs) ein, die alle Funktionen wie beispielsweise die Produkt-Landing-Pages, die Anmeldefunktion für den Newsletter, Wunschlisten, Gutscheincodes, das Konto und den Checkout-Prozess sowie das optische Erscheinungsbild des Onlineshops aus der Perspektive der Nutzer*innen bzw. der Kund*innen automatisiert prüft.  

Die UATs wurden vom Digitalteam bis vor kurzem noch manuell durchgeführt, was äußerst zeitintensiv war. Denn die Liste mit den zu testenden Funktionen ist sehr umfangreich und das Team musste diese in insgesamt zehn verschiedenen Länder-Shops auf Fehler überprüfen und die korrekte Darstellung auf einer Vielzahl von Endgeräten sicherstellen. Der gesamte Testvorgang entwickelte sich also zu einem aufwändigen Prozess, der enorme zeitliche Kapazitäten im Team beanspruchte. Zudem waren Fehler, die während der manuellen Ausführung der UATs erschienen, im Nachgang oftmals nicht mehr reproduzierbar. Das erschwerte die Meldung des Problems an das Entwicklungsteam und beeinträchtigte so auch die Qualität des Onlineshops. Um Mitarbeitende im Digitalteam langfristig zu entlasten und das Qualitätsmanagement auf das nächste Level zu heben, entschied sich BOGNER schließlich dazu, die User Acceptance Tests zu automatisieren und an einen Testing-as-a-Service-Dienstleister teilweise auszulagern.

The Solution

Manuelles Testverfahren: ein sehr zeitintensiver Prozess

Die Empfehlung für den Testing-as-a-Service-Dienstleister stammt von einem Projektleiter bei BOGNER. Nach einem initialen Kennenlerngespräch stand für die Entscheidungsträger*innen im Modeunternehmen fest, dass in puncto Transparenz und Kommunikation alle Prämissen für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit erfüllt.

Um das Testverfahren für die Akzeptanztests anschließend an zu übergeben, entwickelte Helena Müller, Online Shop Content Managerin bei BOGNER, zunächst eine Teststrategie mit den erforderlichen Tests sowie der gewünschten Ausführungsfrequenz. Darauf basierend übernahm die initiale Einrichtung der automatisierten UATs. Diese werden nun vom Dienstleister ein Mal pro Tag und auf unterschiedlichen Instanzen ausgeführt und ausgewertet. „Obwohl ich nach jeder Ausführung der Tests einen Report mit den Ergebnissen erhalte, muss ich diese nicht alle sofort prüfen. Stattdessen bekomme ich von Benachrichtigungen zu validierten Fehlern und kann diese umgehend und effizient an unser Entwicklungsteam zur Behebung weiterleiten,“ sagt Helena Müller. Die Option, im Voraus festzulegen, zu welchem Zeitpunkt die Tests durchgeführt werden, eröffnet dem Team auch neue Möglichkeiten, das digitale Kundenerlebnis bei BOGNER zu optimieren. Beispielsweise können die ersten Tests noch vor den Hauptkonsumzeiten durchgeführt werden, damit mögliche Fehler direkt zu Beginn der Arbeitszeit gemeldet werden.

The Impact

Visuelle Testautomatisierung unterstützt Dokumentation und Kommunikation
Den Fokus auf wertschöpfende und strategische Aufgaben richten

Ein entscheidender Vorteil, der sich aus der Zusammenarbeit mit ergibt, ist die Verwendung eines visuellen No-Code Testautomatisierungstools. „Das visuelle Tool ist nicht nur unglaublich hilfreich für die Dokumentation, sondern es hilft uns dabei, immer den Überblick zu behalten,“ erklärt Müller. zeichnet alle Tests anhand von Videoreports auf und schickt diese anschließend an die zuständigen Mitarbeitenden. Wenn Fehler auftreten, ist das Digitalteam in der Lage, diese schnell und unkompliziert zu reproduzieren und nochmal manuell zu prüfen. „Die Reports bieten die optimale Vergleichsmöglichkeit, um Probleme präzise zu lokalisieren und auch den Zeitraum eingrenzen zu können, in dem der Fehler aufgetreten ist,“ so Müller. Nach Bestätigung der Fehler können diese also umgehend und nachvollziehbar an das Entwicklungsteam weitergeben werden. Neben den Videoreports erhält das Team außerdem täglich E-Mail-Reports. Anhand der Ampel-Methode lässt sich auch hier in wenigen Sekunden feststellen, welche Tests normal verlaufen sind und welche nicht. Das visuelle Automatisierungstool von gestaltet also das gesamte Testverfahren transparenter und verbessert somit auch die Kommunikation zwischen dem Digitalteam und den zuständigen Entwickler*innen.

Die Entscheidung, User Acceptance Tests und einen TaaS-Anbieter auszulagern, wird im gesamten Digitalteam als äußerst positiv bewertet. „Da Testing-as-a-Service den zeitlichen Aufwand für manuelles Testen reduziert, können wir uns endlich mehr auf andere wichtige Aufgaben, wie die Weiterentwicklung unseres Onlineshops, fokussieren,“ sagt Müller.

Aufgrund dieser positiven Erfahrungen kann sich BOGNER den Einsatz von Testautomatisierung und Testing-as-a-Service auch in weiteren Bereichen vorstellen. Treibende Kraft hinter diesen Ideen sind dabei die Mitarbeitenden selbst: „Viele Kolleg*innen aus anderen Abteilungen zeigen großes Interesse an den Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Testautomatisierung und Testing-as-a-Service, da sie mitbekommen haben, wie sehr unser Digitalteam dadurch bereichert und entlastet wird,“ erklärt Müller. Mit der Automatisierung sieht sich das Digitalteam bei BOGNER im globalen Wettbewerb besser gegen die Schnelllebigkeit im E-Commerce gerüstet.

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Mit Test­­­automati­sier­­ung gegen den IT-Fachkräfte­mangel

Die globale Wirtschaftslage stellt deutsche Unternehmen vor eine Zerreißprobe: Die digitale Transformation und Weiterentwicklung von Softwareprodukten und Dienstleistungen wird durch den akuten IT-Fachkräftemangel deutlich erschwert. Um dieses Spannungsverhältnis zu entkräften, müssen IT-Entscheider ihre Abteilungen mit Ansätzen wie Testautomatisierung und Testing-as-a-Service befähigen und Prozesse beschleunigen. Denn bei all diesen Herausforderungen ist neben einem nachhaltigen Wandel vor allem Tempo gefragt.

Bitte lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel in der Zeitschrift “IT-Administrator”.

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A Generic Template for Test Cases of User Acceptance Testing

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is an important step in the software development process as it helps ensure that the product meets the needs and expectations of the intended users. A generic template for UAT can serve as a useful guide for planning and executing this phase of testing. In this article, we will take you through what you need to know to effectively use a generic template for User Acceptance Testing or even create your own custom template.

Make a Copy of’s Generic Template for User Acceptance Testing.

Using our Generic Template for your User Acceptance Testing

Define your Scope

The first step in using a UAT template is to define the scope of the testing. This includes identifying the specific functionality that will be tested, as well as the specific users who will be involved in the testing process. It is also important to identify any constraints or limitations that may impact the testing, such as time or budget limitations.

Go Through the Test Cases

Next, as seen in our generic template, you need to have a list of test cases that will be executed during the UAT phase. These test cases cover all aspects of the UAT functionality, including its usability, performance, and security. The test cases have also been organized in a logical and easy-to-understand manner and aligned with the overall goals and objectives of the project. We have provided a list of cases that cover Signup, Authentication, Basic App Usage, Dashboard, My Account, Device tests, Browser tests, etc. You can decide to modify this depending on your specific requirements.

Document your Results

The template has a section for documenting the results of the UAT testing. In this section, you should provide a summary of the testing results, as well as any issues or defects that were identified during the testing process. It is also important to include any recommendations for addressing these issues, as well as any follow-up actions that will be taken to ensure that the software meets the needs of the intended users.

Track the Progress of Testing

Another important aspect of the UAT template is tracking the progress of the testing. The test date, comment, and status columns of our template all work together to help you track the progress of your tests. You can add the schedule for the testing, as well as a list of the specific tasks that need to be completed in order to complete the testing on time. It is also important to include information on how the testing results will be communicated to stakeholders, such as project managers, developers, and users.

Figure 1. Generic Template for User Acceptance Testing

Additional Customi­zation Options for the UAT Template

Optionally, a section for risk management can be included. In the section, you can identify potential risks associated with the UAT process, such as the possibility of defects or issues being discovered during testing, and how these risks will be mitigated. This section could also include a plan for how to handle any unexpected issues that may arise during the testing process.

Also, you may include a section for training and support where you can provide information on how to train users on the software, as well as how to provide support during and after the UAT process. It can also include information on how users can provide feedback on the software, and how this feedback will be used to improve the software.


Testup:io’s generic template for User Acceptance Testing serves as a useful guide for planning and executing user-oriented tests. It includes a comprehensive list of test cases, a section for documenting the results, a section for tracking progress and a section for comments. The template will be reviewed and updated regularly, as necessary, as we are committed to ensuring that your UAT process is effective and efficient.

If you have done so already, make a copy of our User Acceptance Testing template now and start testing!

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Effective Test Automation Strategies for Modern Web Applications


Test automation has become an essential part of modern software development as it allows for the efficient and consistent testing of web-based software. With the increasing complexity of web applications, it is essential to have effective test automation strategies in place to ensure the quality of the software. Although test automation is a powerful tool in software development, but it is not an all-in-one solution. When done improperly, automated tests can consume resources without providing significant value. To maximize the benefits of test automation, a comprehensive testing strategy must be developed. This includes identifying key flows, selecting the appropriate cases for automation, and avoiding common pitfalls. This article provides a guide on the best practices for test automation and how to apply them effectively.

What’s an automation test strategy?

An automation test strategy is a plan for how to use automated testing tools and techniques to determine the quality of software. It outlines the types of tests that will be automated, the tools and frameworks that will be used, and the approach that will be taken to implement and maintain the automated tests. It also defines the scope of the automation effort, including which parts of the application will be tested, and how often the tests will be run. The objective of an automation test strategy is to optimize the testing process by increasing its efficiency and effectiveness, while also minimizing the time and resources required as compared to manual testing.

Types of automated tests

Automated testing and manual testing share similar characteristics in terms of their types and objectives. The key differentiation between the two lies in their execution – while manual tests are executed and evaluated by a human tester, automated tests are executed through a script and the results are analyzed by the automation tool. Understanding the different type of automated tests and when to use them is crucial for developing an effective test automation strategy.

 The major types of automated tests include:

  1. Unit tests: These tests focus on individual units of code, such as functions or methods, and are used to ensure that they are working correctly.
  2. Integration tests: These tests check how different units of code work together, and are used to ensure that the system as a whole is functioning properly.
  3. Functional tests: These tests focus on the functionality of the application, and are used to ensure that the application is working as expected from the user’s perspective.
  4. Performance tests: These tests check how the application performs under different load conditions and are used to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.
  5. Security tests: These tests check for vulnerabilities and potential security breaches in the application.
  6. Acceptance tests: These tests ensure that the application meets the requirements and expectations of the end-user or customer.

Steps to build an automation testing strategy

An automation testing strategy should be customized to meet the specific requirements of a project. While there is no universal method that applies to all situations, there are steps and recommendations that can be used to develop an effective automation testing strategy.

Step 1: Establish clear goals and objectives

An effective automation testing strategy requires clear and measurable goals, as it is difficult to determine success without them. Once the goals have been established, the following steps should be geared towards achieving them. The goal can be as simple as automating priority test cases for critical flows. Defining the scope of the automation testing in the initial stages also helps to prevent wasted time and resources. Without a clear scope, automated tests may overlap with manual testing or some tests may be overlooked due to confusion over whether they should be automated or tested manually. This can be a significant issue for large QA teams, and it is important to establish a precise scope to avoid such problems.

Step 2: Define requirements

This step emphasizes on the need to collaborate with stakeholders to establish automation priorities, define goals and key performance indicators (KPIs), and document the testing needs. It is important to identify the types of testing required to fulfil these needs which will inform the selection of suitable tools in a later stage.

Step 3: Evaluate Risks

In this step, focus on identifying and prioritizing areas with the highest potential business impact and automate them first. A risk-based approach can assist in this process. By prioritizing correctly, it will enable a logical order for automation, and also allow you to know when to stop automating. For instance, continuing to automate low-priority tests can be costly and may not provide much value.

Step 4: Identify Automation Test Cases

At this stage, the focus should be on determining which specific flows and features of the application need to be automated. Prioritize the areas that have the highest business impact, but also take into consideration the stability and complexity of the flows. Automating test cases that are likely to change frequently in the current or upcoming sprints is usually not cost-effective. If test cases have been previously created, highlight the parts that should be automated based on the established goals, risks, and requirements.

Step 5: Set up test data and environment

Managing the test environment and data is a vital, yet frequently overlooked aspect of an automation testing plan. Compliance with regulations such as GDPR can limit the use of data, making synthetic data a viable option. It’s beneficial to store test data in external files for easier maintenance, as changes to the data should not affect the test code. The test environment should be stable and, if necessary, testing artifacts should be cleaned up after the testing run is completed.

Step 6: Pick the Right Tool and Framework

When it comes to selecting the right tool and framework, it is important to consider the specific needs of the project and team. For example, if the team is more familiar with using Selenium, then it may be a better fit than Appium which is mainly used for mobile automation testing. Additionally, creating a proof of concept (POC) using different tools and frameworks can help in showcasing the best fit for the project. It is important to choose a tool that is flexible, easy to use and can integrate with other tools and technologies.

Step 7: Monitor your Test

Monitoring progress is crucial to understanding the current state of testing and identifying what still needs to be completed. Two effective ways to do this are:

  1. Utilize a test management tool to keep track of the automation status of tests, using statuses such as planned, automated, and outdated.
  2. Create a backlog and monitor progress in a ticket management system to easily assign tasks.

It is important to include this tracking information in the overall testing strategy and make sure all team members are aware of the chosen methods.

Step 8: Reporting

Investigating failed tests and identifying problems is a vital part of the automated process. However, it can often take longer than expected to correct underlying issues. Typically, failed tests are caused by one of four areas: Technical issues with the testing environment, defects within the application, obsolete automation scripts and bugs in the automation scripts. All these underlying issues should be reported to the technical team in charge of them.

Step 9: Establish a maintenance protocol

Test automation is not a one-time event, but a continuous process that requires ongoing attention. To ensure your test suite remains relevant and effective, it is essential to formalize the testing process. The first step is to create a system for updating scripts as necessary, but it’s also important to establish clear priorities and timelines. Keep in mind, every out-of-date test is a potential vulnerability that could make its way into the production environment. By implementing a robust maintenance protocol, you can mitigate this risk and promote the longevity of your test suite.

In addition to these strategies, it is also essential to have a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline in place. This pipeline allows for the automated execution of the test cases and can be integrated with the software development process. This ensures that the application is tested at regular intervals and that any issues are identified and resolved quickly. A CI/CD pipeline like Github actions or Travis CI also allows for the identification of regression issues and the tracking of the test results over time.

Choose the right test automation tool

The ultimate game changer that will help you effectively apply all the strategies discussed above is to choose a best-in-class test automation tool. is a great option in this respect; it is a visual-based no-code test tool that gives you fast results. Aside from this, your organization can now take advantage of seamless User Acceptance Testing (UAT) with Our app allows users (both developers and non-developers) to automate User Acceptance Tests faster than the time it would take to manually test the software. This means that from a timing perspective, the business benefits of automation can begin to be realized on the second automated run. The good news is that we have also created a generic User Acceptance Testing template for your use. Ultimately, it helps cut costs significantly and guarantees that your application satisfies the user’s requirements. Click here to get started with for automated tests.