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Test an iOS App

Testing your own Android or iOS app requires to create a test with a mobile device and adding a reference to the uploaded file.

Upload file

  1. Get your <API Key> from Profile Page (Details)
  2. Upload a .zip or .tar.gz file containing your compressed .app bundle.

    Your .app bundle must represent a simulator build of your app. After running in iOS Simulator via Xcode, look in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/<project-name>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/.

    Alternatively, you may run xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator (if you use .xcodeproj) or xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace Sample.xcworkspace/ -scheme <your-scheme> -configuration Debug (if you use .xcworkspace) in your project directory, then zip the .app bundle in build/Debug-iphonesimulator/.

  3. Upload ZIP using the following curl commands
curl "<API_KEY>&platform=ios" -F ""

This curl command returns a JSON with <publicKey>.

You can update an existing APK using this <publicKey> with:

curl "<publicKey>?ApiKey=<API_KEY>&platform=ios" -F ""

Create and link test

  1. Create a new Test
  2. Select Mobile System
  3. Select the iOS device you need
  4. Insert AppetizeAppPublicKey = <publicKey>

Create your Test

Click “Start Editing” on right of the selected mobile device

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Test an Android App

Testing your own Android or iOS app requires to create a test with a mobile device and adding a reference to the uploaded file.

Upload file

  1. Get your <API Key> from Profile Page (Details)
  2. Go to your developer console and create an APK, call it e.g. “app-release.apk”:
    After your app is built, either via Android Studio or by running the command ./gradlew assembleDebug in your project directory, look in <project-name>/<module-name>/build/outputs/apk/
  3. Upload APK using the following curl commands
curl "<API_KEY>&platform=android" -F "file=@app-release.apk"

This curl command returns a JSON with <publicKey>.

You can update an existing APK with:

curl "<publicKey>?ApiKey=<API_KEY>&platform=android" -F "file=@app-release.apk"

Create and link test

  1. Create a new Test
  2. Select Mobile System
  3. Select an Android device you need
  4. Insert AppetizeAppPublicKey = <publicKey>

Create your Test

Click “Start Editing” on right of the selected mobile device

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PHP: How to manipulate with data (Experimental feature)

In Editor-> Control->EVAL create an EVAL action. This action can compute PHP functions using data from Control->Data and from CLIPBOARD.

EVAL argument is a PHP 5 expression. See on how to write php
The result of the expression is returned to the CLIPBOARD

Working with Data

Data from Data Tab in Editor can be read from the test to the clipboard.

E.g. setting

FirstName: Barbara
LastName: Mustermann
Age: 26

Read Data

EVAL $FirstName

Reads the value of the FirstName (“Barbara”) into the CLIPBOARD. Note that there is a “$” in front of the variable name using the EVAL command.

Manipulate Data

EVAL $FirstName." ".$LastName

Concatenates $FirstName, ” “, $LastName using the “.” as usual in PHP and returns the result to the CLIPBOARD.

Compute with Data

EVAL $Age + 10

Adds 10 to the variable Age. In the example with Age = 26, this command returns 36 to the CLIPBOARD.

PHP Examples

Measure time between steps

EVAL microtime(true)
EVAL microtime(true) -  $CLIPBOARD

Returns the time passes in seconds to CLIPBOARD.

Call PHP for TimeStamp

EVAL date_format(new DateTime(), "d.m.Y H:i:s");

Returns a timestamp to CLIPBOARD

Call Java for TimeStamp

EVAL new Java("java.util.Date")->toString();

Returns a timestamp to CLIPBOARD

Manipulate strings

EVAL substr($CLIPBOARD, 0,strlen($CLIPBOARD)-5)

Removes the last 4 characters from CLIPBOARD

Set and Get values from data store

EVAL set("result")

Sets the Clipboard value to a temporary result variable

EVAL set("result", "some value")

Sets a specific value

EVAL get("result")

Gets the current value.

EVAL set("result", get("result") ."\r\n". $CLIPBOARD)

Updates the result by concatenating the current value with a new one.

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Create random Emails

To create a random Email use button. The values are stored in buffer – clipboard content – and then can be pasted into your test.

Insert random Email into a test.

Make sure you are in mode.

  1. Activate a field where the random e-mail is to be inserted.
  2. Switch to mode.
  3. Click .
  4. Enter the following PHP Timestamp:
EVAL "example+".microtime(true).""
5. Click on to add created e-mail with random number.

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Get notifications for automated run

Make sure you open a schedule that runs automatically.

  1. Open tab “Notifications” .
  2. Check the box “Send Notifications”.
  3. Choose between “all runs”, “failed runs”, “passed”, “manual” or “disabled” in drop down menu.
  4. Choose between “Email”, “Slack”, “Microsoft Teams” or “Discord” in the next drop down menu.
  5. Insert your email or a unique URL created with Incoming Webhooks in Slack, Microsoft Teams or Discord (ex.

Please notice: you need to open Slack/Microsoft Teams/Discord settings to configure Incoming Webhooks and to create a unique URL. Check installation instructions here: